Noise Compatibility Program

General Airport Information

Airport Noise Program Coordinator

Deborah Murphy Lagos
Phone: 727-631-1553

Noise Mitigation Program Office

1616 Arnold Drive
Alexandria, LA 71303-5636

P: 318-487-6186
F: 318-449-4723



Alexandria International Airport (AEX) and the England Economic & Industrial Development District (England Authority) are implementing the Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program, with funding provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (La DOTD). The Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program was approved by the FAA on August 14, 2007, as part of AEX’s Airport Noise Compatibility Program (NCP).  View a copy of the FAA’s Record of Approval (ROA) for the AEX NCP.

AEX voluntarily conducted the Airport Noise Compatibility Study in accordance with a Federal regulation called title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning. The Airport Noise Compatibility Study was comprised of two parts: the Noise Exposure Maps and Supporting Documentation and the Noise Compatibility Program.  The 2010 Future Condition Noise Exposure Map, with Program Implementation is the basis for determining the areas that are eligible to participate in the Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program.

The Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program includes residential and other noise-sensitive buildings in areas surrounding the airport that are exposed to a yearly average Day/Night Sound Level (DNL) of 65 decibels (dB) and higher as shown on the 2010 Future Condition Noise Exposure Map, with Program Implementation.

The noise contours were squared off using natural boundaries, street boundaries, and property boundaries to achieve equity in the neighborhoods. Then that area was divided into the Primary Area and the Secondary Area.  The Primary Area generally includes parcels that are located within, or partially within, the DNL 70 dB or greater contour, and/or within, or partially within, the Clear Zone (CZ) or Airport Protection Zone I (APZ I). The Secondary Area includes parcels that are located within, or partially within, the DNL 65 dB contour, and/or within, or partially within, the Airport Protection Zone II (APZ II) for Runways 14 and 32.  In addition there is a significant boundary between the two areas (such as I-49, LA Highway 1, or LA Highway 28).

The Neighborhood Noise Mitigation was then divided into seven phases, based on annual funding level estimates.  Phases 1 through 5 are in the Primary Area and Phases 6 and 7 are in the Secondary Area. Phasing Plan for Implementation

 Three options are approved for the Primary Area:

  1. Fee Simple Acquisition and Relocation Assistance Program
  2. Avigation Easement Acquisition Program
  3. Acoustical Treatment Program

Two options are approved for the Secondary Area:

  1. Avigation Easement Acquisition Program
  2. Acoustical Treatment Program

The England Authority is currently implementing the Fee Simple Acquisition and Relocation Assistance Program in the Primary Area. In the Rapides Station neighborhood, many homes have been acquired, their residents have been relocated, and the structures have been demolished.

St. Mary’s Residential Training School and Renaissance Home for Youth have both participated in the Acoustical Treatment Program for Institutional and Community Facilities.

Please note that participation in any of these programs is completely voluntary. You are not required to participate in any of these programs.

For the most up-to-date information regarding the status of the Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program, read our newsletter.

If you would like more information about the Rapides Parish Ordinance known as the Alexandria International Airport Landing District Ordinance, which describes the land use restrictions in the CZ, APZ I, and APZ II.  The City of Alexandria has a similar ordinance known as Airfield Compatibility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about the AEX Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program.

Federal Grants from the Airport Improvement Program are used to fund 95% of the Neighborhood Noise Mitigation Program. The State of Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development provides the remaining 5%. No community taxpayer dollars are used to fund any portion of the Program.